
Cedar Rapids Today

Monday, March 10, 2025

Solid Waste Collection To Be Impacted by Snow Event

Cedar Rapids garbage/recycling/compost collection will be impacted by this week's snow event. Thursday and Friday garbage and recycling collection will be delayed until Monday, Dec. 26. 

Yard waste/compost and glass recycling collection will be delayed until Monday, Jan. 2. Next week's garbage and recycling collection may be impacted as well; residents are asked to have GARBY and CURBY garbage and recycling carts to collection areas by 7 a.m. on their normal collection day next week, and to leave carts out until they are collected, even if there is a delay. "When in doubt, leave it out." 

There will be no delay in garbage/recycling/compost collection for the New Year's holiday, due to the holiday falling on a weekend this year. 

Additionally, the Solid Waste and Recycling Division reminds residents that placing carts or extra tagged garbage bags on snowbanks creates a safety hazard for crews, and to please place carts and bags along one half of the driveway or to clear a section of snow next to the driveway in the normal collection area so that carts and bags can be safely collected from street level. More information is available at CityofCR.com/Garbage.

Residents can sign up for CR News Now text and email alerts at CRNewsNow.com to receive collection reminders and updates. Residents can also report missed collections or ask questions by calling 319-286-5897 or by using the City's My CR reporting tool or Mobile CR mobile app. More information is available at CityofCR.com/MyCR and CityofCR.com/MobileCR.

Original source can be found here.