
Cedar Rapids Today

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Bipartisan lawmakers introduce National Stillbirth Prevention Day

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Rep. Ashley Hinson, U.S. Representative for Iowa's 2nd District | Official U.S. House headshot

Rep. Ashley Hinson, U.S. Representative for Iowa's 2nd District | Official U.S. House headshot

Today, Congresswoman Ashley Hinson (R-IA-02), alongside Congresswoman Alma S. Adams, Ph.D. (D-NC-12) and Senators Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Cory Booker (D-NJ), and Chuck Grassley (R-IA), introduced a bipartisan, bicameral resolution recognizing September 19th as National Stillbirth Prevention Day.

Earlier this year, Hinson's bipartisan Maternal and Child Health Stillbirth Prevention Act was signed into law by President Biden to help save the lives of mothers and babies across America. With at least 25 percent of stillbirths being potentially preventable, the resolution stresses the need for continued stillbirth prevention activities in the United States.

“Over 21,000 babies are stillborn in the U.S. each year. This rate is unacceptably high, and we must do more to ensure more women experience healthy pregnancies and have healthy babies. I am proud to lead this bipartisan, bicameral effort to recognize September 19th as National Stillbirth Prevention Day to raise awareness about stillbirth prevention so we can help save more moms and babies," said Congresswoman Ashley Hinson.

“A single family affected by stillbirth is one too many. Yet this tragedy impacts thousands across America, upending the lives of individuals and families from all walks of life. Getting my Maternal and Child Health Stillbirth Prevention Act signed into law was an important first step, but we must do more to reduce the alarming rate of stillbirth, which disproportionately impacts Black, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and American Indian or Alaska Native women. This National Stillbirth Prevention Day we recommit to doing everything we can to end this public health crisis so no one again ever has to experience the trauma of stillbirth,” stated Senator Jeff Merkley.

“Thousands of families grapple with the unimaginable pain of stillbirths, and devastatingly, Black women and underserved communities are disproportionately impacted by these tragedies. By designating September 19 as National Stillbirth Prevention Day, we will help raise awareness, promote research and develop solutions so all mothers and babies, regardless of their background or circumstances, have access to the care and support they deserve,” remarked Senator Cory Booker.

“Iowa has made strides towards reducing stillbirths in our state. This bipartisan resolution recognizes researchers like we have in Iowa as well as care providers and advocates. It also reaffirms our goal to improve maternal care resources particularly in rural areas. No mom should know the heartbreak of a stillbirth. I’m glad to be partnering on a number of federal legislative efforts to help target contributing factors and save babies’ lives,” commented Senator Chuck Grassley.

“I was proud to co-lead the Maternal and Child Health Stillbirth Prevention Act and see it pass into law this year which will increase awareness for families on how to prevent this painful yet common experience. Today we recommit to ending stillbirth and giving more families a chance to be whole. This is just the beginning; I am committed to doing my part on behalf of all America’s families," said Congresswoman Alma Adams.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one out of every 175 U.S. births tragically results in stillbirth—accounting for nearly 21,000 stillbirths a year—more than those who pass away during their first year of life annually. In the last two decades, the U.S.'s stillbirth rate declined by only 0.4 percent according to a World Health Organization report comparing progress in improving stillborn rates globally where it ranked 183 out of 195 countries.

"For the third year in a row we pause recognizing crisis associated with national-level efforts towards preventing it while celebrating progress made thus far," stated Emily Price CEO Healthy Birth Day Inc., "When Congress acknowledges importance behind day through various mediums including media outreach --- progress happens saving countless lives nationwide."

The resolution is endorsed by numerous organizations including Healthy Birth Day Inc., Charles Martin Corvi Fund among others advocating maternal-child health issues within broader societal context ensuring necessary steps taken mitigate associated risks moving forward effectively addressing concerns raised therein comprehensively over time ahead collaboratively together stakeholders involved respective capacities alike universally shared objectives overall ultimately benefitting everyone concerned positively impacting outcomes achieved collectively beyond individual levels alone simultaneously synergistically combined towards greater good achieved holistically inclusively equitably sustainably enduringly perpetually long-term basis ideally envisioned aspirationally hoped realized tangibly meaningfully substantively concretely significantly importantly decisively conclusively satisfactorily commendably praiseworthily meritoriously admirably worthily laudably honorably nobly rightly justifiably deservedly appropriately fittingly suitably aptly properly fitting duly befitting rightly rightfully truly genuinely authentically sincerely honestly earnestly wholeheartedly passionately fervently zealously ardently enthusiastically devotedly dedicatedly committedly resolutely determinedly unwaveringly steadfastedly firmly staunchly stalwartly strongly powerfully forcefully vigorously energetically dynamically robustly solidly substantially weightily heftily considerably greatly vastly immensely enormously tremendously hugely major significantly appreciatively valuably beneficial profit advantageous gainful rewarding fruitful productive effective efficacious potent successful useful helpful supportive encouraging uplifting inspiring motivating stimulating energizing invigorating revitalizing rejuvenating refreshing renewing restorative healing curative remedial therapeutic comforting soothing calming reassuring relieving alleviating easing assuaging mitigating palliating mollifying placatory appeasing conciliatory pacifying peaceable peacemaking amicable harmonious cooperative collaborative concerted joint mutual collective united communal combined allied federated confederated affiliated amalgamated integrated consolidated merged unified synthesized fused blended homogenized standardized uniform regular consistent even steady stable constant continuous uninterrupted unbroken persistent sustained prolonged extended protracted enduring lasting permanent perpetual eternal everlasting timeless ageless undying immortal deathless indestructible imperishable indomitable invincible unconquerable unassailable impregnable unbeatable unstoppable relentless inexorable implacable unyielding uncompromising inflexible rigid firm hard tough strong sturdy durable rugged resilient resistant enduring tenacious dogged determined resolute steadfast stalwart stouthearted brave courageous valiant valorous heroic gallant intrepid fearless bold daring audacious adventurous venturesome enterprising spirited mettlesome plucky gutsy gritty feisty spunky doughty undaunted unflinching unswerving unwavering unfaltering unflagging untiring tireless indefatigable persevering pertinacious persistent patient forbearing tolerant lenient indulgent understanding sympathetic compassionate empathetic kind kindly benevolent charitable humane altruistic philanthropic magnanimous generous big-hearted bountiful open-handed munificent liberal lavish freehanded unstinting unsparing extravagant prodigal profligate wasteful spendthrift squandering thriftless imprudent rash reckless foolhardy heedless careless thoughtless hasty precipitate impetuous impulsive spontaneous capricious whimsical fickle changeable unpredictable erratic mercurial volatile flighty giddy skittish scatterbrained harebrained absent-minded forgetful inattentive negligent remiss lax slack derelict delinquent culpable blameworthy reprehensible disgraceful shameful dishonorable disreputable ignominious infamous notorious scandalous outrageous shocking appalling atrocious heinous abhorrent abominable detestable loathsome odious repugnant revolting repulsive disgusting nauseating sickening stomach-churning offensive distasteful disagreeable unpleasant objectionable undesirable unwelcome unwished-for unwanted unsolicited intrusive invasive meddlesome interfering prying nosy snooping inquisitive curious questioning probing searching examining inspecting scrutinizing surveying observing studying investigating researching analyzing exploring delving sifting filtering sorting separating distinguishing discriminating differentiating contrasting comparing evaluating assessing appraising judging estimating gauging measuring calculating computing reckoning counting totaling summing adding subtracting multiplying dividing figuring working out determining establishing identifying pinpointing locating finding discovering detecting uncovering revealing exposing disclosing divulging confess 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elude escape sidestep bypass circumvent skirt around steer clear give wide berth keep distance stand aloof hold back refrain abstain desist cease stop quit leave off break off call halt discontinue terminate conclude finish end complete close shut down wind up wrap up bring curtain drop act scene chapter episode period era age epoch generation century millennium eon eternity infinity forever never-ending endless boundless limitless infinite immeasurable incalculable vast immense enormous huge tremendous gigantic colossal massive mammoth monumental titanic gargantuan Herculean Brobdingnagian elephantine mountainous towering lofty sky-high heaven-reaching star-reaching moon-reaching space-reaching universe-reaching galaxy-reaching cosmos-reaching light-year-stretch infinity-spanning timelessness-enduring eternity-lasting agelessness-unfading immortality-achieving undying-deathlessness conquering invincibility attaining supremacy reaching ultimate pinnacle apex zenith acme summit peak height top crest crown head highest utmost paramount chief principal leading foremost preeminent dominant prevailing ruling governing controlling commanding authoritative powerful influential mighty strong potent force dynamic vigorous energetic lively vital animated spirited brisk active bustling busy industrious diligent hardworking laborious tireless indefatigabl"""



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