
Cedar Rapids Today

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Iowa midterms sees Plumbers and Pipe Fitters Local 125 Political Education Fund in Linn County spend the most during Q4 2023

Webp campaigncheck24

Plumbers and Pipe Fitters Local 125 Political Education Fund spent the most out of in Linn County political committees during the fourth quarter of 2023.

It spent $27,307 on 17 vendors during the time period.

The largest expense was to BluePAC, which is based in ZIP Code 20005.

The second largest political spend from a committee operating in a city within Linn County during the fourth quarter of 2023 came from Wellmark PAC or WellPAC, Inc.. It spent $22,762 during the time period on 27 different vendors.

What's known as "dark money," which comes from political non-profits and shell corporations, has greatly increased expenditures and donations in recent elections to record-breaking highs.

Political campaign financial data is often updated, leading to a sometimes incomplete picture of a committee or candidate's finances.

Top Expenditures from Iowa Political Committees based in Linn County During Q4 2023
CommitteeExpendituresPaid Vendors
Plumbers and Pipe Fitters Local 125 Political Education Fund$27,30717
Wellmark PAC or WellPAC, Inc.$22,76227
Scheetz for Iowa$17,34710
Iowa State U. A. W., PAC$16,5005
Ann Poe Committee$13,94416
Linn County Democratic Central Committee$11,79614
Black Hawk County Republican Central Committee$11,52917
Linn County Republican Central Committee$9,4317
Loeffler At Large$6,3483
Cindy Golding for Iowa House$3,9905
Linn Eagles$2,8921
Iowa PA, PAC$2,7009
SEIU Local 199 COPE Fund$2,6241
Kris Nall For Iowa$2,5311
Iowans for Liz Bennett$2,1697
Committee to Elect Art Staed$2,1645
Barclay Woerner for School Board$1,7489
Paul Talley LCT Campaign$1,7231
Cindy Garlock for School Board$1,1576
Eric Gjerde For Iowa$9412
Johnson County Republican Central Committee$7226
Linn Phoenix Club$6474
Neumann for Schools$5571
Iowa City Carpenters, PAC$5001
United Union of Roofers Political Education and Legislative Fund of Iowa$5002
McClintock for Iowa$4073
Elizabeth Wilson for Iowa$2872
Tracy Ehlert for Iowa House$2341
Zumbach for Supervisor$1751
Pate for Iowa$1551
Ben Rogers for Supervisor$601
Benton County Democratic Central Committee$532
Hoeger for Council$91