Organization Directory
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Cedar Rapids Community School District
Local Government | Public School Districts
Most recent 02/18/20 - Analysis: Teachers in Cedar Rapids Community School District earned 16.4 percent more than state average in 2018-2019
Center Point-Urbana Community School District Board
Local Government | Public School District Boards
Most recent 02/19/20 - Analysis: Teachers in Center Point-Urbana Community School District earned 2.5 percent more than state average in 2018-2019
Central City Community School District
Local Government | Public School Districts
Most recent 02/20/20 - Analysis: Teachers in Central City School District earned 19.3 percent less than state average in 2018-2019
City of Ainsworth
Local Government | Cities/Villages/Towns
Most recent 09/03/24 - Where were the cheapest places to fill up on midgrade gas in cities in Washington County in week ending Aug. 24?
City of Alburnett
Local Government | Cities/Villages/Towns
Most recent 09/03/24 - Where were the cheapest places to fill up on midgrade gas in cities in Linn County in week ending Aug. 24?
City of Anamosa
Local Government | Cities/Villages/Towns
Most recent 06/22/22 - 12.1% of households in Anamosa received food stamps in 2020
City of Anamosa
Local Government | Cities/Villages/Towns
Most recent 09/02/24 - 1 gas station in cities throughout Jones County had the cheapest regular gas in week ending Aug. 24
City of Atkins
Local Government | Cities/Villages/Towns
Most recent 09/05/24 - Cheapest regular gas in cities across Benton County in week ending Aug. 24